We made it to the top of Arthur's Seat yesterday. There was great celebration. Patrick took the photo. It was nice to have the islanders come visit, we had a good weekend together. Now they're off to Belgium and I'll meet them in Germany later.
It's actually quite strange to think I'm leaving in almost two weeks. Spring has made the city much nicer and my life is more exciting but now I've got to leave it. I'm in the process of saying my goodbyes, to people and places, and any dislike I've had of Scotland is disappearing fast.
Four more exams to write. I was studying on the terrace today and had a sunburn within fifteen minutes again, so I decided sunscreen had to be purchased. Walked up to Boots and discovered that the Scots aren't much for sunscreen...they seem to prefer "After-Sun Lotion" or lotion with an SPF of 8. Anything that was actually sunscreen was over 14 pounds (!!)...I did find some cheap stuff...I think it's for babies though.
Four more to go, four more to go.
Two more Mondays on this continent.
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