ahh, the Crumpet.
Quite possibly my favourite British food. Introduced to me by my friend Andriana, who was horrified when I admitted I'd never eaten one before. Seriously, I thought crumpets were just those horn-shaped chippy-things that come in a red bag...know what I mean? Well, since she has introduced me, I have become maybe a bit addicted to them.
It's like when you make pancakes, and there are extras left over and you put them in the fridge and snack on them later and realize that leftover pancakes out of the fridge are pretty tasty. A crumpet has the consistency of a thick, hole-y, leftover pancake. Put it in the toaster, spread a bit of butter on top, it's amazing. (You really should click on the picture to get the whole idea.)
Oh yeah, and they're hella cheap too.
Also, I'd just like to point out, since bragging can be fun, that today it is 11 degrees and sunny outside. Yessss. I'm going outside to read!
They're pretty delicious with nutella if you haven't tried that yet.
oh, i will try that!
oooh bring some to me and we'll picnic with them!
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